Situs package includes the distribution of Situs Flavors
(modified earlier versions of Situs or propotype codes for future releases). These program packages come
with their own documentation and licences (if applicable) and are
provided "as is" without any specific support from the biomachina team.
The available Flavors
- Tomosim (Python version) can currently be found in the tomography codes, to accompany the 2021 conference paper. The dynamic programming-based map tracing codes by Salim Sazzed (Spaghetti Tracer and Struwwel Tracer) have already been included in canonical Situs.
- FilaSitus,
by Willy Wriggers, for the creation and visualization of helical
filament lattices of atomic and volumetric data.
1.4, by Willy Wriggers, including the classic helical fitting
"qhlx" and the corresponding helical fitting tutorial (for those who
prefer vector quantized helical fitting inspired by the 1998
- Fast-Rotational
Matching Codes for Alignment of 3D Objects, by Julio Kovacs.
distribution includes tools for
matching of sphere-like objects as well as our advanced 6D search
program that FFT-accelerates 5 of 6 rigid-body degrees of freedom using
spherical harmonics and rotation group theory.